All Fireplace Accessories

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About Fireplace Accessories

We offer an extensive selection of accessory items to help complete your fireplace, whether it be indoor or out. From screens and covers to tools and grates, we have everything you need. We also carry an assortment of less common fireplace accessories like bellows, andirons, and more.

What Accessories Do You Need with a Fire Pit?

If you plan to burn wood in your fire pit, you’ll need accessories like log tongs, log holders, pokers, and an organizer to house your tools. A screen to protect your family and guests from sparks is also a good idea. Consider a fire pit cover for when your fire pit is not in use to protect it from the elements. Whether you burn wood or not, other accessories like marshmallow roasting sticks, ember bed media, etc.are other options.

What Do You Put In the Bottom of a Fire Pit?

The bottom of your firepit should be prepared with a layer of sand then you can top it with gravel, or something more attractive and stylish like lava rock, fire pit glass, etc. Mixing lava rock and glass creates a unique look that is rustic yet has spots of reflective glamor. They have similar longevity and keep your fire pit looking great season after season. There are slight price and temperature rating differences between lava rock and fire glass but this just serves to make mixing a great choice.